Yes Sweetheart

Yes Sweetheart is an online retailer and wholesaler of beautiful stylish designs goods.

About Us

“Yes Sweetheart”
“Yes Dear”
“Sorry Dear”

You can hear these phases everyday at my home. When we decided to open our shop selling our favourite goodies these are the names that come up in our mind!
Yes Sweetheart is an online shop that sells goodies from around the world, mostly handmade designs and home decoration designs.

Iain and I love to collect beautiful designs when we travel. You may see from time to time there are different themes of our products on this website. We want to make all these amazing products mean a little bit more than just “a thing” to you. Everything on this website has a story. We hope these beautiful goodies will become part of your story as well.
Most of the Australian designs products you seen on this website are our friends. As an independent ourselves, nothing is more important than helping out our own community. We believe in fair trade and equal opportunities. There are so many beautiful local designs in Australia are unheard of, we hope Yes Sweetheart can give our local artists an opportunity to showcase their works.

We hope when you’re browsing through our lovely hand picked products, you will feel loved and hopefully that will put a smile on your face.
Iain believes this can be a boyfriend/ husband survival guide because we tailored what to buy for different occasions for your partners.

Suki believes this is the best website to shop for girls and their partners because all they need to do is to know why they’re buying the gift!
We hope you enjoy shopping at Yes Sweetheart as much as we enjoy making it.

Iain and Suki xxx

If you have any enquiries regarding the privacy of your data please contact us at or visit our blog at

Thank you.

Yes Sweetheart ABN 38 089 596 768
